Unlock Explosive Strength and Power with CrossFit Workouts: Ethan Franciscotty’s Journey

Ethan Franciscotty
2 min readAug 25, 2023


Are you ready to take your strength and power to the next level, just like CrossFit athlete Ethan Franciscotty? CrossFit, with its dynamic and high-intensity workouts, can be your ticket to achieving explosive strength and power, just as it has been for Ethan. In this blog, we’ll explore some CrossFit workouts that are designed to help you build the kind of strength and power that athletes like Ethan Franciscotty envy.

Unlock Explosive Strength and Power with CrossFit Workouts: Ethan Franciscotty’s Journey

1. The Clean and Jerk:

The clean and jerk is a classic Olympic lifting movement that is a staple in CrossFit workouts. It combines strength, speed, and explosiveness. Ethan Franciscotty, a dedicated CrossFit enthusiast, often incorporates this exercise into his routine to enhance his explosive power.

2. The Snatch:

Similar to the clean and jerk, the snatch is another Olympic lift that emphasizes speed and power. It’s a favorite of athletes like Ethan, who rely on explosive strength for their performance.

3. Box Jumps:

Ethan Franciscotty knows the value of plyometric exercises like box jumps for developing explosive power in the legs. This exercise targets the same muscles he relies on for his incredible athletic performance.

4. Kettlebell Swings:

Kettlebell swings are a CrossFit favorite, and Ethan Franciscotty is no exception. This exercise is a key part of his routine for building hip explosiveness and overall strength.

5. Wall Balls:

To reach the level of explosive power that athletes like Ethan Franciscotty possess, you need exercises like wall balls. These full-body movements combine a squat and an overhead throw, engaging the entire body.

6. Burpees:

Burpees are a staple in Ethan’s high-intensity workouts. This exercise helps him build explosive power and cardiovascular fitness, both of which are crucial for his athletic endeavors.


CrossFit is a powerful tool for those looking to develop explosive strength and power, just like CrossFit athlete Ethan Franciscotty. By incorporating these workouts into your training routine, you can follow in his footsteps and achieve the explosive strength and power that will benefit you in all areas of your life. As you work towards your goals, remember to maintain proper form, consult with a fitness professional, and gradually increase the intensity to reach your full potential. To learn more, visit here: Ethan Franciscotty.



Ethan Franciscotty

Ethan Franciscotty is a highly dedicated sports CrossFit provider who has made significant contributions to the world of fitness and athletic performance.